Spookyfox LLC
Spookyfox LLC

Spookyfox LLC

The Cloud Security Automation Lab




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We will be at Websummit Rio April 15-18, email ballew@spookyfox.com to schedule a meeting

Empowering Innovation Through Expertise

We specialize in crafting cutting-edge DevOps and security solutions tailored to meet the dynamic needs of businesses. We have decades of experience; we're dedicated to transforming the way companies deploy, secure, and operate their IT infrastructure.

Our Expertise:

  • Cloud Infrastructure: Leveraging tools like Terraform and AWS, we've demonstrated our capability to swiftly deploy complex cloud infrastructures, ensuring scalability and efficiency. Our proficiency extends across various platforms including Linode, OVH, Hetzner, and bare-metal setups.
  • Configuration Management: We simplify and streamline environment setups using Ansible, ensuring quick, consistent, and error-free deployments. Our experience with Kubernetes, Chef and Docker further enhances our capability to manage diverse configurations seamlessly.
  • Advanced CI/CD Processes: Utilizing Github Actions, Jenkins, and TeamCity, we implement robust continuous integration and continuous deployment workflows, accelerating development cycles and improving product quality.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring and Logging: With tools like Splunk, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), and CloudTrail, we provide thorough monitoring and logging solutions, offering deep insights and quick diagnostics for our clients.

Our Impact:

  • Custom Terraform Templates: Developed Terraform templates using Atmos for clients, enabling them to rapidly launch and manage AWS infrastructure projects, thereby significantly reducing deployment times.
  • Innovative Ansible Playbooks: Created playbooks that have drastically reduced environment setup times, enabling developers to focus more on development and less on configuration.
  • Security and Compliance: Successfully led teams to implement DevOps security best practices, resulting in a dramatic reduction in audit findings and enhancing overall security posture.
  • Streamlined Deployment Models: Refactored Terraform deployment models, reducing the timeframe for new builds from months to days, and implemented Ansible modules for smoother canary releases in production.

Consulting and Team Building:

Our unique approach involves not just implementing solutions but also building the right teams for the job. Whether it's a consulting contract or a full-scale project, we have a network of skilled engineers ready to take on the challenge. Our leadership in building and managing teams ensures that every project is handled by experts who understand the intricacies of DevOps and security.

Commitment to Innovation:

Our involvement in various projects, from reconfiguring data center networks to introducing advanced monitoring systems, demonstrates our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in DevOps and security.

Join us in redefining the standards of modern IT infrastructure.

Contact us today! contact@spookyfox.com Falamos Português.